Believe it or not, the factory original water pump impellers on the Ford 6.0L, 6.4L, and 6.7L diesel engines are made of plastic. While this may not seem like a big deal, when this plastic impeller fails, it is highly likely that the engine will overheat which could lead to much more serious engine damage. Bullet Proof Diesel offers upgrades for the problematic factory water pumps for the 6.0L, 6.4L and 6.7L Power Stroke engines.
Cummins | Dodge | Ram Water Pumps:
The factory water pump for the 5.9L and 6.7L Cummins engine fails regularly. These factory water pumps, like the Ford pumps, also use plastic impellers that are prone to cracking and failing. The factory water pumps also used a very small, inadequate bearing that has a high failure rate. The BulletProof Water Pumps utilize a metal impeller and a much larger, more durable ball bearing assembly for increased reliability and longevity.